Wouhouuu =)

Time to be recognized as Human… or not :robot: :wink:



plait-il ?

It’seems to be a message from robot or an already member of the web of trust Ğ1.
That’s why respecting licence ğ1 demand not to certificate without knowledge IRL ( in real Life)

" It’seems… "

if it is one of those cases, maybe you have the time , tools and the knowledge to check that :hammer_and_wrench:

so, to see how i’m considered as a Robot one more time , this is surprising me to be considered as a cheater <= this is the first time… :clap:

Bon @Max, comme tu le sais nous sommes sur un forum francophone, si tu veut causer english ça se passe sur le .org, assez trollé :wink:

2 « J'aime »