Trop peu de monde

The first and the obvious: most websites have rough English translations. This includes the TRM itself.

Here are two of my suggestions for a problem I perceive within the community. (I keep making similar suggestions to little effect.)

There are many donation drives to « develop libre currency » for a region. Most of these regional donation drives have little effort put into them e.g edited clip art. Apparently, someone is in a region and has « debutants »/newcomers, but there is little evidence of said debutants. Not even pictures of the region they want to kickstart G1 in.

Example: if I wanted to kickstart G1 San Diego I would definitely take a photo of the big American boat sitting at the harbor with airplanes on top of it, or at least an In-N-Out restaurant.

Meanwhile, there are little donation drives to reward or publicize productivity for users who do not have any certifications. Which I think is much more important if G1 is going to be backed by the productivity of its users.

I have to bold this because other cryptocurrency/platforms are gaining traction because they are rewarding users for productivity (making videos, art, articles, blogs) even though it may be more sustainable for G1 to do this. They are tapping into the market of content creators who are relatively unrewarded for their work because of the nature of discoverability algos on platforms such as YouTube or Twitch. Or the nature of their work such as free software.

Example: Steemit, and another video making related one.

By comparison, G1 is somewhat stuck in the market of local or garage sales, is going to have a tougher time expanding from physical goods that now that shipping is less feasible or more expensive.

Let’s say one small content creator with 10-100 followers talking about G1 and using it easily means their followers looking into G1. What effect will there be for example, if G1 engages just 25 content creators?

I may be able to come up with more. (It is the morning right now.)

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