gchange’s crowdfunding page is currently filled with unproductive campaigns asking for an exorbitant amount of G1. They are unlikely to ever complete and will persist on the page indefinitely.
I believe the problem this presents is that it overshadows productive ways to obtain G1 without certification or local trade. It also makes the G1 economy (as young as it is) a bit harder to take seriously.
If you have a free software or free culture project, don’t just paste your address on your repository or website. The right people may not find it at all. Make a fundraiser asking for an amount relative to the time and effort you spent on your project.
Example: a month of development on your spare time
Given 1/3 of your day (8 hours out of 24) is spent sleeping, and another 1/3 of your day is spent on real life obligations such as work or school.
1 DU * 30 days * 1/3 days = 10 DU
If you do this you:
- give better exposure to your project (vs other users just happening to come across it on the www)
- encourage other free projects to list themselves on gchange
- make unproductive begging seem more out of place
- help populate the #freesoftware #freeculture #remote tags on gcahnge
Things that don’t matter as much as you think:
- how small your project is as there are fundraisers asking for 1 G1
- how many months ago you finished your project as you are offering more by having a finished project instead of just a pitch
If you made a regular advertisement for your project before, list it anyway too because you could put a better foot forward.