SoCal - Southern California

This map has a few southern Californians, so I’m wondering if they’re also active on the forum. (There’s three on the map for Los Angeles.)

1 « J'aime »

guillaume Schindler lives in California.

1 « J'aime »

Is he still active in the community? I sent a message earlier but still haven’t gotten a response.

1 « J'aime »

ian Schindler, the father of guillaume is living in Toulouse. He’s teacher at TSE (toulouse school of economics) . you can call him at desk here: Ian Schindler

nb: i,ve been living myself one year in San Diego California (la Jolla del sol) :slight_smile:
i’l be glad to help you

1 « J'aime »

That is starting to sound a bit extreme.

Oh nice. Do you know others in the area?

Ian is very very cool guy, he walks bare foot inside :wink: , don’t be scared. he loves students and he’s found of Ğ1. I know he will be enchanted to let you know his son.

NB: Ian told me soon that his students were not be able to care about libre money . (I proposed him then to make intervention in conference at his side to help …yet in vain)

I haven’t gotten a response. Maybe it’s best you send him a message, at least linking to this thread, since you know him.

téléphone : (+33)

1 « J'aime »

I tried that e-mail address. Calling a stranger over the phone is a bit weird for me .

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