Introduction to the Libre Currency and Q&A

:spiral_calendar: We are organizing a visio on April 19th at 8pm Eastern Time (6pm for Colorado) to Indroduce Libre Currency to those who are interested to dive deeper into the technical questions of this great freedom currency. Join us at this link to participate in the visio Jitsi Meet

:beginner:Libre Currency is an alternative cryptocurrency in which people equally co-create money everyday. The Universal Dividend (UD), which is the value created daily by each member of the system, evolves over time to ensure an equal share of money between people and throughout generations. It’s a way to rethink the current monetary system and a powerful tool for creating loops of exchanges within communities.

:point_right:Join our English speaking telegram Channel for Libre Currency: Telegram: Contact @LibreCurrency
:point_right:Join our US telegram Channel for Libre Currency: Telegram: Join Group Chat

:cherry_blossom: Share with your friends interested in building a parallel economy. Thank you :pray: