Here, comes again our next visio (zoom session) in English
reserve a spot in your busy agenda to come discover Libre Currency
and share ĞNews from around the world !
English is your native or common language?
Well, that’s great, we’ve got exactly what you need to get
all the answers about the questions you ever had about Libre Currency
You can meet like-minded people in our Telegram group on the Telegram app : infos about Telegram
Link to the visio : Libre Currency Video Chat
Here is the details and the date :
- Libre Currency in Q&A
- Software explained
- Local development
- News about junists
Check out this first English speaking website explaining Libre Currency : Libre Currency Ğ1
Discover the Libre Currency via the English playlist
in the video channel of the non-profit Econolibre
So our Libre Currency economy, how do we do it?