Mon nœud ne calcul plus!

Mon nœud a décidé de s’arrêter au bloc 407028. Plus rien ne bouge depuis. Quelqu’un peut-il me dépanner ? Voici un extrait des traces :

2021-03-18T20:40:25+01:00 - info: WS2P 9UuWHs3ZDvV4EiViDGf2zJKNUa8V2ot7hH2zPD1C1sj1: new incoming connection from!
2021-03-18T20:40:25+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer 74RBUM4V using `WS2P 443`!
2021-03-18T20:40:30+01:00 - info: ⬇ TX 5000:0 from [ '2BEvV732NGTPRaYJ3nLBGTsGjxwBCCcV3rtwWpvSFHNE' ]
2021-03-18T20:40:30+01:00 - info: ✘ TX 5000:0 from [ '2BEvV732NGTPRaYJ3nLBGTsGjxwBCCcV3rtwWpvSFHNE' ]
2021-03-18T20:40:30+01:00 - warn: Wrong blockstamp for transaction
2021-03-18T20:40:37+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #407868-00000000 added to the blockchain in 16 ms
2021-03-18T20:40:37+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 1 potential blocks after current#407028...
2021-03-18T20:40:39+01:00 - info: WS2P 9UuWHs3ZDvV4EiViDGf2zJKNUa8V2ot7hH2zPD1C1sj1: new incoming connection from!
2021-03-18T20:40:40+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer FEcfFyZu using `WS2P 20900: WS2P connection timeout`
2021-03-18T20:40:40+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 4FgeWzpW using `WS2P 20900: WS2P connection timeout`
2021-03-18T20:40:40+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 4agK3ycE using `WS2P 20900: WS2P connection timeout`
2021-03-18T20:40:40+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer EwXXo4YA using `WS2P 20900: WS2P connection timeout`
2021-03-18T20:40:40+01:00 - warn: WS2P: cannot connect to incoming WebSocket connection: WS2P connection timeout
2021-03-18T20:40:41+01:00 - info: WS2P: established incoming connection from Ds1z6Wd8
2021-03-18T20:40:41+01:00 - error:  Error: ruleToBeKickedArePresent
    at Function.checkBlock (/opt/duniter/app/lib/blockchain/DuniterBlockchain.js:180:19)
    at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
    at async BlockchainContext.checkAndAddBlock (/opt/duniter/app/lib/computation/BlockchainContext.js:134:33)
    at async BlockchainService.blockResolution (/opt/duniter/app/service/BlockchainService.js:201:41)
    at async /opt/duniter/app/service/BlockchainService.js:158:29
    at async /opt/duniter/app/service/GlobalFifoPromise.js:44:33
2021-03-18T20:40:41+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: 105 potential block(s) found...
2021-03-18T20:40:42+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #407029-00000012 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2021-03-18T20:40:42+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #407029-00000012 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2021-03-18T20:40:42+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #407029-00000012 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2021-03-18T20:40:42+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #407029-00000012 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2021-03-18T20:40:43+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #407029-00000012 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2021-03-18T20:41:22+01:00 - info: WS2P 9UuWHs3ZDvV4EiViDGf2zJKNUa8V2ot7hH2zPD1C1sj1: new incoming connection from!

L’algo de résolution des forks conçu par cgeek fonctionne mal dans certains cas : il ne réévalue pas un bloc considéré invalide par le passé. Ce qui fait que si tu reçois un bloc valide trop tôt, ton nœud reste bloqué pour l’éternité. Un moyen de contournement simple : restart.

Si ça ne résout pas le problème alors c’est autre chose. En tous les cas, pour du support sur Duniter, je t’invite à poster de préférence sur le forum duniter :slight_smile:

4 « J'aime »

J’ai hésité entre les deux forums. Je saurai pour la prochaine fois qu’il vaut mieux aller sur l’autre… :wink:

Le redémarrage n’a pas suffit, j’ai dû carrément refaire un sync. Mais c’est bon, maintenant.

Merci ! :slightly_smiling_face:

2 « J'aime »

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